1 Month Old Already! (9/8/2012)

[Originally Posted on Facebook 9/21/2012] Skylar Joy,

You are one month old, baby girl. And what a month it's been! From the first time I laid eyes on you I loved you, but this month has taught me so much about what the word "love" really means. My heart is full and my eyes teary as I type this. I already cannot imagine my life without you in it. I cannot really describe how much I love you, but I will try: It's a whole lot, a bunch, a bushel, to the moon and back a bazillion times. It's a lot, little jellybean. More than a lot... and more than I can say -- but I know it's just the beginning!

I can hardly believe that you're one month old! So much has happened and you have grown so much! At your last check-up you were in the 75th percentile for height and weight. You weighed 9 pounds and 11 ounces. Breast-milk is doing your body good, little girl! I'm so glad you're growing, but my heart also longs for you to stay little as long as possible.

Since my last note you had a lot of firsts... You slept overnight somewhere other than your home for the very first time. The next day you had your first shopping trip with Mommy! And you did really well! Everyone loved peeking at you in the Moby carrier and thought you were so cute and sweet! I loved showing you off!

You now grab things consistently and really strongly. A good example of this is: my hair. You grab and do not want to let go and it usually takes me a while to get my hair out of your grasp. Even though it hurts some, I love seeing this example of how strong you are!

Daddy built your swing for you this week and you love it. You watch the Betty Boop poster on the wall while you swing and seem oh-so-entertained by it. I think it's her eyes that make you so enthralled. When you're somewhat fussy you tend to fall asleep in the swing and Daddy and I are really thankful for that!

Some of your newborn clothes officially stopped fitting this week. And that makes me a bit sad! Some of them were so very cute! But I guess 9 pounds is pushing the newborn baby clothing limit! I'm so glad you're growing -- but don't grow too fast, okay!?!?!

You met your uncle Luke this week and were really good when he held you. You also started talking and smiling at Grandma B this week! We are quite certain you are smiling for REAL now and it has made us all really happy (your mom, your dad, your grandparents... people on the facebook, all of us!) Daddy and Mommy now do things to try to make you smile and what a fun game that has become!

You slept in bed with Daddy and Mommy for the first time this month. It was while Mommy was dosing and Daddy was sleeping. You were so cute and cuddly that I couldn't resist letting you join us. We both got up and you stayed asleep for quite a while in the bed by yourself.

During a dinner out with friends I discovered that I could calm you by singing to you while you were in the Moby. This discovery made my heart warm and I loved that my voice could do such a thing. So I sang to you over and over and over the same tones and you calmed and eventually slept.

You also had your first all-day-event out of the house for a movie marathon. You slept on me for a lot of it, but really, I was surprised by how well you did. You had your fussy moments, but even the explosions from the many superhero movies didn't wake you typically. And I enjoyed the snuggle time we had during the movies.

Thinking back over this last month it's really hard to believe that not that long ago I was struggling to bring you into this world. Those moments of pain were so difficult, baby girl, but I would do them all again to have you in my life... to hold you close and smell your head and to have the chance to love you. I am so thankful that you are healthy and growing. After all we've been through that gift is amazing in it's simplicity.

I love you, little one, more than I could have ever imagined. Keep growing, keep learning, keep becoming you! I can't wait to know you better. You are beautiful and special already, my lovely little girl!

Loving you Always, Your Momma

Three Weeks & Growing (8/29)

[Originally Posted on Facebook 8/31/2012] Dear Skylar,

You are 3 weeks old today! It's been a big week in your life, little girl... lots of firsts and new things. You had your newborn photoshoot. It was the day after a tough day for your Mommy and we weren't sure how you would do. You were absolutely perfect! Mommy & Daddy were so proud of you and loved spending time with you while Liz (photographer & friend) captured fun moments for us! We will cherish those photos forever! You went out to your first dinner with mommy and daddy and friends this week! And you rocked it! You also attended your first Mommy-baby function by going to the Motherhood Cafe with mommy on Monday. Speaking of Monday you had your weight checked on Monday and you're still gaining -- just like you should be! You were 8 pounds, 11 ounces! I am so proud of you!

You had your first bath this week. At first you didn't seem to know what to think of it, but you seemed to generally be fine with the water and even maybe enjoy it a little. I had fun splashing in the water with you & we certainly confused the kitteh with our adventure (she could not figure out why you were in the special tub in the regular tub). :)

You also went on you very first road trip. You slept and were a happy baby for the whole trip... (excluding the very very end -- the lights and stopping/going weren't a happy thing for you). We loved having you with us traveling and can't wait to go on more road trips with you, baby girl.

Another first for this week: You attended trivia with us on Wednesday night! You were so good and everyone loved seeing you and your "I was born awesome" onsie (it's barely fitting you -- so I'm trying to use it often since it's so true! *smiles*). I wasn't sure how you would be that late at night, but we both think you were great at trivia and it didn''t seem to have disrupted you much!

You continue to get annoyed by the car seat when you're first strapped in (you don't like it when we tighten the straps properly , but you LOVE being in the Moby carrier on Mommy! It makes me so happy when you snuggle against me and go to sleep. Some of my favorite moments with you this week were while I was wearing you. You are so cute sleeping and cuddling with me & you always seem to want to have your hand peeking out of the carrier and this makes others smile (me included). I love how much others love you and enjoy seeing you and holding you!

Your little arms and legs are filling out and you have some chubby rolls happening. I love seeing your chubby cheeks every morning and your inadvertent smiles from time to time. Your accidental expressions are great -- I can't wait to see you smile on purpose! You are so cute!

I am slowly learning what your cries mean, little girl... and we're figuring each other out. Daddy learned this week that if he cries at you -- interrupting your crying -- you stop and look at him perplexed and uncertain. We also discovered that making a "shushing" noise right in your ear makes you stop your crying or fussing almost instantly. It's short-lived, but works! Lots of learning and loving has been happening and we both cannot wait to see what happens next, baby girl!

Mommy loves you so very much. I love our times together and am thankful for our moments -- the sweet ones and the difficult ones. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are!

Love Always, Your Momma


Photos by Liz Cook of Sincerely, Liz: Photography www.sincerelylizphoto.com

Two Weeks Old! (8/22)

[Originally Posted on Facebook 8/23/2012] Dear Skylar,

This is your momma... the one that's been up at all hours with you and trying to figure out what you want and need all the time. The one that's tired.... but still loves you so very much.

These last two weeks have been amazing, challenging, incredible, and, at times, exhausting. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world... I'm getting to know you, baby girl... and that is special and incredible -- even when it's difficult.

This week we had quite a few firsts: First car ride, first nght at home, first major throw-up (only one though, thankfully), first major diaper blow-out (ewww!), first time being "worn" by Mommy in the Moby carrier (and you love it), first time out and about in the carrier, first doctor's visit (all is well -- you're growing so fast!), first professional picture taken (at the hospital), first "family photo" in our kitchen, and first meeting with the kitteh (Harley Quinn is still trying to figure out what to do with you & if you're safe to be around).

I love it when you smile in your sleep, sweet girl. It's so cute. And I love your smell, your touch, your pretty face. I love being close to you. Wearing you on me has been some of the sweetest moments this week (I'm wearing you as I type this). I'm so thankful that I have the wrap and I plan to wear you often. I love your big dark gray-blue eyes. I love your little hands and your little feet and your little toes. I love all of you more and more every day.

The tender moments... I lock them away in my heart to hold them forever with me. I love you, baby girl. More than I could have ever imagined.

From the first time I saw you I knew that you’d be mine And from the first glance you gave My world it slowed, you stopped the time

And in that moment I could see all of the things that we would be You were the girl I was waiting for...

Like the beauty of the sun you light my life so I can see You make me laugh and show me how, just how good this life can be And in our moments filled with joy, is where I live, where I am free Lay in my arms, I’ll hold you tight, just like you like, continually

And I am, over-whelmed, by you Am, over come with joy You’ve, taken me higher, and shown me what love can do Where would I go, or be, without you

There’s something in your smile that gives me strength to carry on And there something in your words that lingers even when your gone Oh I’ve dreamt, that a time like this would come, fulfill my life...

I could sing a thousand songs about you still that would not do There’s a million tiny things that make the things that you do, you I wouldn’t trade our time together, wouldn’t trade for anything Cause nothing else here in the world can bring the happiness you bring

And I am, over-whelmed, by you Am, over come with joy You’ve, taken me higher, and shown me what love can do Where would I go, or be, without you...

I can only imagine what we have in store for the coming week! I can't wait to enjoy it with you.

Much love always, Your Momma

Dear Skylar Joy,

[1 Week Letter, Originally Posted on Facebook 8/16] Somehow yesterday came and went without me realizing you were one week old, little girl! It's okay... we spent some special moments together & I'll hold them forever in my heart just like the other moments we've had this week.

This week with you is one I will never forget. You scared your mommy & daddy a few times, but ultimately this week I fell in love... I fell in love with your smile... I fell in love with your crazy hand and arm movements (and I thought back to how you felt safe in my womb making those same movements & our connection was even more complete)... I fell in love with your soft skin & tender hair... Fell in love with your crazy expressions and your milk-drunk face after nursing. I fell deeply and irreversibly in love with you, baby girl... and I'm so thankful I've had the time to spend with you. I wouldn't change or give up one second of it for anything in the world.

This week you showed us over and over how stubborn you are. From your demands to eat as soon as possible when you're hungry to your strong grip and your intense desire to have your arms free... you are stubborn and strong. And you are beautiful, little Skylar... So very beautiful. I love you, baby. I don't wanna miss one moment of you and discovering you! I cannot wait to bring you home.

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating And I'm wondering what you're dreaming Wondering if it's me you're seeing Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna miss one smile, I don't wanna miss one kiss I just wanna be with you, right here with you, just like this I just want to hold you close, feel your heart so close to mine And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time

Don't wanna close my eyes, don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would never do I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing. Love Aways & Forever, Your Momma