Hello! I'm Emily and this is my blog! I'm super excited about this project and hope you are too! You may be asking yourself: "What's this blog going to be about?" Thanks so much for asking! This blog is a place for me to share my joy and my heart. It's also a place to express my frustrations and be as honest as possible about this new journey of motherhood! It's a place for me to write to my daughter, Skylar Joy, and to help keep track of all her numerous changes as she grows. It's also a place for me to talk about me and who I am as a wife, mother, and woman.

Other subjects that interest me and may show up here from time to time are:

♥ Interior Decorating

♥ Cooking

♥ Nail Polish

♥ Make-up & Beauty Products

♥  Craft Projects

♥ Organization

♥ Simplifying Life

♥ Accessorizing

♥ Tattoos & Piercings

♥ Exercise

Come join me on this journey!

Much Love, Emily