Lets Talk About Polish

I've fully been intending to post about nail polish. It's a passion of mine that pretty much everyone who has spent any time with me in real life knows about. I enjoy painting my nails (and my toes sometimes -- but not as much). I also enjoy paining other people's nails. I think I'm decent at it... and if you know me let me know if you want me to paint your nails sometime! :) Anyway... I digress. Nail polish. I like all types and brands (for the most part -- though I am getting pickier), and I enjoy discovering new types, textures, finishes, colors, etc. One newish (in the last few months) discovery I've made is INDIE POLISH. I say that in all caps because, well, it's awesome. It's polish made by people personally -- polish that isn't mixed by a big machine and shipped out automatically, but rather polish that is crafted from the ground up by thoughtful, interesting people (or sometimes groups of people). I find the whole "scene" fascinating. Instagram has helped me really get my feet wet about brands and seeing them "swatched" and getting information directly from the Indie Polish creators. I've loved being able to interact with them so simply! It's definitely very cool.

One polish I don't actually have yet, but am fully interested in trying is Pretty & Polished. Another place to view (and purchase) their polishes is etsy. Their shop is here: Pretty & Polished's Etsy.

I'm actually writing today because there is a give-away from these lovely polish makers. The giveaway is to help market their upcoming spring line (which looks just fabulous if you ask me). Here's the flier:


I will definitely be checking out this seller and their polish very soon and I'm so excited for the giveaways (there are several on Instagram too). Who doesn't love a chance to try something new for free!?!?!? *smiles*

Until next time... (and there will be another nail-polish-post-next-time very soon),
